
物种名:  采集人/捐赠人: 地名: 数据主题:   批量下载

Platanus L.Manchester et al.查看
Rhus L.Manchester et al.查看
Carya Nutt.Manchester et al.查看
Rhus L.Manchester et al.查看
Liquidambar L.Manchester et al.查看
Quercus berryi Trelease, 1918Manchester et al.查看
Plafkeria basiobliqua Tanai, 1989Manchester et al.查看
Castanea fujiyamae Tanai, 1970Manchester et al.查看
Chaneya tenuis Wang & Manchester, 2000Manchester et al.查看
Craigia W.W.Sm. & W.E.EvansManchester et al.查看
Parrotia C.A.Mey.Manchester et al.查看
Koelreuteria Laxm.Manchester et al.查看
Fagus L.Manchester et al.查看
Metasequoia disticha (Heer) MikiManchester et al.查看
Diploclisia MiersManchester et al.查看
MenispermaceaeManchester et al.查看
Trochodendroides arctica Berry, 1926Manchester et al.查看
Ginkgo adiantoides (Unger)Manchester et al.查看
Sanjiaocheng Village, Huloudao City, Liaoning, China (12082205.7500E, 4085807.2500N).Euanthus panii Liu & Wang, 2015Liu and Wang查看
11 km to the north of Changshan. Paleogeographically, this site belongs to the northern margin of the Zhe-Gan platformKordephyton K.V.Radugin & M V.StepanovaLi et al.查看
